The Brow Lift is a procedure to improve the appearance of the brow by pulling tight, smoothing and creating a more youthful appearance. A heavy brow may occur as you get older and the force of gravity takes it toll, but some people are also born with a naturally heavy brow. A heavy, sagging brow can cause a more severe appearance, make us look older or more fun-down than we feel and overall not project the look that we desire. Today we have a lot of facial rejuvenation procedures available to us from Botox to Dermal Fillers, which are great non-invasive options, but may not be as effective if you are dealing with excess, sagging skin and deep wrinkles. The only way to address excess, sagging skin is to remove it in order to smooth the skin for a more youthful and vital appearance.
The Brow Lift procedure is sometimes performed in combination with other procedures such as dermal fillers, Botox, eyelid lift, and face-lift. If you are interested in learning more about the Brow Lift surgery and to find out if it may be right for you, contact our office to schedule your consultation with Dr. Balakhani today.